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Ansible Roles for Ludus

Role structure

Ansible roles should follow the standard structure and must have a meta folder with a main.yml file.


Use the ludus role template to quickly get started.

Example roles can be found in the table on the roles page

If you've build a cool role you'd like to share with us, let us know via email, ping us on X (@badsectorlabs), or in our Discord server and submit a pull request to have it added to the roles page.

Testing roles


Requires Ludus server 1.3.0 or later

To quickly test roles, use the -t user-defined-roles, --limit and --only-roles flags to execute only the role you are testing on the machine you are testing it on.

For example, given the following range config that begins:

- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-ad-dc-win2022-server-x64-1"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-DC01-2022"
template: win2022-server-x64-template
vlan: 10
ip_last_octet: 11
ram_gb: 6
cpus: 4
sysprep: true
fqdn: ludus.domain
role: primary-dc
- testing_role
- a_stable_role
- another_stable_role

If you wish to only run the testing_role role on JD-ad-dc-win2022-server-x64-1 (assuming range_id is JD) you would run:

ludus range deploy -t user-defined-roles --limit localhost,JD-ad-dc-win2022-server-x64-1 \
--only-roles testing_role

Note that you must include localhost in your limit argument due to the way Ludus uses localhost to parse the range config.

This command construct enables the rapid testing of ansible roles in a loop such as:

  1. Update role code locally in an editor
  2. Update role code on the server with ludus ansible roles add -d ./testing_role --force
  3. Run just the role on the test host with the command described above
  4. Examine logs with ludus range logs -f or ludus range errors
  5. Goto: 1

Ludus specific variables


Requires Ludus server 1.1.3 or later

When developing a role for Ludus, you may want to access information about a host for use in your role. The following variables are available for your use and reflect the values for the specific host that is executing your role:

ludus_dns_server          # Will always be the .254 of this VMs VLAN (i.e. for a VM in VLAN 10)
ludus_domain_fqdn # The full domain, if the VM has a domain defined, (i.e. ludus.internal.domain)
ludus_domain_netbios_name # The netbios part of the VM's domain, if the VM has a domain defined (i.e. ludus)
ludus_domain_fqdn_tail # The non-netbios part of the VM's domain, if the VM has a domain defined (i.e. internal.domain)
ludus_dc_vm_name # The name of the VM that is the primary DC for this VM's domain, if the VM has a domain defined
ludus_dc_ip # The IP of the VM that is the primary DC for this VM's domain, if the VM has a domain defined
ludus_dc_hostname # The hostname of the VM that is the primary DC for this VM's domain, if the VM has a domain defined

All other ansible variables (i.e. ansible_hostname) and Ludus variables are also available to custom roles, such as defaults, ludus, or network as defined in the user's config.