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🌐 Networking

'The Ludus Network'

Ludus requires a static IP for access (a requirement inherited from Proxmox) which is set during install.

Default Networks

Ludus uses RFC 5735 defined TEST-NET networks to hopefully avoid IP conflicts with the network Ludus is deployed into.

WireGuard Network (wg0)

The WireGuard interface, on wg0, is set up during Ludus install. The Ludus host is always Users will be assigned static IPs in this network starting at the .2 and incrementing as users are added. The last octet of a user's WireGuard IP will match their range number.

The user's router VM only allows traffic in from the user's WireGuard IP. Additionally, the router VM always allows related or established traffic back out to the user's WireGuard IP, regardless of any user defined rules or testing status. This allows a user to RDP, SSH, VNC, or otherwise access VMs at all times.

NAT'd Network (vmbr1000)

There is a single default network for VMs created during install:, on interface vmbr1000 (or other interface as specified in the ludus config with ludus_nat_interface). This network has DHCP and DNS thanks to a dnsmasq service running on the Ludus host. This network's "router" is at .254 and offers DHCP IPs in the range of .50 to .100. This DHCP pool is used for template creation.

Ludus user routers are assigned a static IP in this network where their range number + 100 is the last octet. If a user has range number 2, their router has a "WAN" interface at This is what limits Ludus to 153 concurrent users, because each user will take one IP from this pool of 100-253. Ludus sets up a static route for the user's /16 through this "WAN" interface, allowing ansible and wireguard clients to access the range VMs.

Reserved IPs in the NAT'd Network

If the Nexus cache server was created by a Ludus admin, it has a static IP of in order to be available to all Ludus user's VMs.

The remaining 49 IPs in the .1 - .50 range are reserved for future use.

CI/CD Network (ludusci)

If the Ludus admin has set up CI/CD, the CI/CD network is on interface ludusci. This network is necessary because the CI/CD Ludus VMs will themselves set up a vmbr1000 with a range of which would conflict with the "public" IP of the CI/CD Ludus VM if it was in the host's vmbr1000 (a DHCP'd IP).

User Networks

Ludus assigns a unique Linux bridge interface in Proxmox to each user which is capable of supporting 255 VLANs (1-255). The user's vmbr number is 1000 + their Ludus range number (e.g. a Ludus user with range number 2 would have vmbr1002). This interface can be thought of conceptually as a virtual switch. If you wish to capture packets on this interface see Packet Capture.

All user networks are /16 with VLANs of /24 in the format 10.{{ ludus range number }}.{{ VLAN }}.{{ ip_last_octet }}. Because all user networks are within, admins deploying Ludus into a network within will need to avoid issuing users with a range number that overlaps the existing range. As range numbers are issued sequentially, it is up to the Ludus admin to recognize this conflict and create a dummy user for any networks that overlap with the network Ludus itself is deploy into. For example, if the Ludus server itself has an IP of, the tenth created user will cause routing issues if the user is also on the network. This user should be created as a dummy user and not an actual user of Ludus. The admin will need to manually remove the vmbr1010 interface on the Ludus host to prevent routing issues.

VMs are limited to a single network interface when deployed with Ludus.

Users simply define which VLAN each VM is a member of in their Ludus config file and the interface, DHCP/DNS, and routing is configured on the router automatically.

- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-ad-dc-win2019-server-x64"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-DC01-2019"
template: win2019-server-x64-template
vlan: 10
ip_last_octet: 11
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
role: primary-dc
sysprep: true

User defined firewall rules

For basic setups the defaults, allow internet and allow inter-vlan-routing, will be suitable for many users and no network key needs to be set in the user's config.

Users are able to define custom firewall rules that will always be enforced regardless of testing status. Testing rules will be inserted above user defined rules and take precedence over them. Rules are defined in the network.rules object. Two keys exists to set the default for traffic leaving the network: external_default, and traffic between VLANs: inter_vlan_default. By default both of these values are ACCEPT.

Rules can act on entire vlans by not defining ip_last_octet_src or ip_last_octet_dst, ranges of machines ip_last_octet_src: 21-25, or single machines ip_last_octet_src: 21.

vlan_dst can accept the special value public which allows traffic to the internet, but not other VLANs. This is useful for cases where the external_default is REJECT.

The ports key is optional, and if omitted all is assumed. A range of ports can be defined using the start:end syntax. These values should be quoted to avoid yaml interpreting them as hex values.


When these rules are deployed, first all the user defined rules are removed before being re-created in order to prevent rules removed from the config from remaining active. During this time the FORWARD chain is set to drop all traffic, so VMs may lose connectivity briefly during this time.

An example of a different types of user defined firewall rules are listed below.

external_default: ACCEPT
inter_vlan_default: REJECT
- name: Only allow TCP 443 from VLAN 10 to VLAN 20
vlan_src: 10
vlan_dst: 20
protocol: tcp
ports: 443
action: ACCEPT
- name: Allow VLAN 20 out to internet using any protocol (and any port) - only useful when external_default is set to REJECT
vlan_src: 20
vlan_dst: public
protocol: all
ports: all
action: ACCEPT
- name: Allow VLAN 30 to all VLANs using TCP on port 80
vlan_src: 30
vlan_dst: all
protocol: tcp
ports: 80
action: ACCEPT
- name: Only allow the .21 on VLAN 20 to hit port 445 of the .31 on VLAN 10 using TCP
vlan_src: 20
ip_last_octet_src: 21
vlan_dst: 10
ip_last_octet_dst: 31
protocol: tcp
ports: 445
action: ACCEPT
- name: Allow the .21 to .25 machines on VLAN 20 to access the .21 on VLAN 10 using TCP
vlan_src: 20
ip_last_octet_src: 21-25
vlan_dst: 10
ip_last_octet_dst: 21
protocol: tcp
ports: 445
action: ACCEPT
- name: Allow the .11 on VLAN 10 to access the .21 to .25 machines on VLAN 20 using TCP port 8080
vlan_src: 10
ip_last_octet_src: 11
vlan_dst: 20
ip_last_octet_dst: 21-25
protocol: tcp
ports: 8080
action: ACCEPT
- name: Allow TCP ports 8080 to 8088 from VLAN 10 to VLAN 20
vlan_src: 10
vlan_dst: 20
protocol: tcp
ports: "8080:8088"
action: ACCEPT

See more details about the range config schema (which includes the network object) here.

Testing Mode

Each range has a Debian based router/firewall VM. This VM controls how traffic is routed between VLANs/subnets in the range as well as traffic out of the range to other networks/the internet. The router uses iptables to control traffic flow, using three custom chains in the filter table. Note that the FORWARD chain, which controls traffic from outside the router with a destination that is not the route itself has a policy of DROP meaning that if no rule matches the traffic will not be forwarded. This is a "deny by default" policy, and prevents accidental traffic from leaving the range in the event that IP addresses change or machines are added while testing mode is enabled.

'iptables diagram'

For the default basic AD network, when not in testing mode the iptables filter table has the following rules.

'iptables not in testing'

When testing mode is enabled, and the user has allowed and, the iptables filter table has the following rules.

'iptables in testing'

Packet Capture

By default, the bridge interfaces in Proxmox are MAC aware, which means they will "learn" which MACs are on which "ports" and only send traffic for a MAC to its "port." This means that VMs on the same VLAN only see traffic destined for their MAC (and broadcast) by default. If you wish to use some type of packet capture appliance like Zeek or Suricata, the bridge-ageing parameter needs to be set to 0 on the Proxmox host for the bridge interface of the range. This effectively turns the bridge interface into a hub, where all traffic on a VLAN is sent to all machines.

To complete this step, open up a shell to your proxmox host and enter the following commands:

brctl setageing vmbr10XX 0 where vmbr10XX is the Linux bridge for your Ludus range (1000 + range number/range second octet)

You can confirm this settings with the ip -d link show vmbr10XX command which should show ageing_time 0.

To make this change persist reboots of the Ludus server, add bridge-ageing 0 to the options for the interface in /etc/network/interfaces