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🗒️ Configuration

The Ludus range configuration file is a yaml document that describes the virtual machines and optionally the network rules, router settings, and defaults a user would like to deploy.

An example file is described below:

Range Config Schema

- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-ad-dc-win2019-server-x64" # The name of the VM in Proxmox. You can use the `{{ range_id }}` template string which resolves to your range ID (i.e. JS)
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-DC01-2019" # The hostname for the VM. Note: Windows host names are limited to 15 characters due to NETBIOS
template: win2019-server-x64-template # The template that will be the base for this VM (`ludus templates list` to get a list of them)
vlan: 10 # The VLAN for this VM. This number will be the third octet of the VM's IP and must be 2<=vlan<=255
ip_last_octet: 11 # The last octet for this VM's IP address. Must be unique in the VLAN.
ram_gb: 8 # The amount of RAM for this VM
cpus: 4 # The number of cpu cores to allocate to this VM (can provision more CPUs than the host physically has)
windows: # This key must be set for windows VMs - all subkeys are optional
sysprep: false # Set to true to run sysprep before any other tasks on this VM. Default: false
domain: # Define this key to put this machine in a domain
fqdn: # The FQDN of the domain
role: primary-dc # The role of the VM in the domain (primary-dc|alt-dc|member)
linux: false # Set this to true for linux VMs - leave undefined or false for Windows/macOS VMs
macOS : false # Set this to true for macOS VMs - leave undefined or false for Windows/Linux VMs
testing: # This key controls the behavior of the VM in testing mode. If undefined, both values are set to true
snapshot: true # Snapshot this VM going into testing, and revert it coming out of testing. Default: true
block_internet: true # Cut this VM off from the internet during testing. Default true
roles: # This key is an array of user-defined roles that will be installed on this VM. Roles must exist on the Ludus server and can be installed with `ludus ansible role add`
- geerlingguy.docker # Arbitrary role name, as it appears in `ludus ansible roles list`
- name: badsectorlabs.ludus_elastic_agent # You can also specify a role with a an array of dependencies that have to run first
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-elastic" # In this case, we have to set up the elastic container (server) before the agent
role: badsectorlabs.ludus_elastic_container
role_vars: # This key contains `key: value` pairs of variables that are passed to ALL user-defined roles.
docker_edition: ce # Arbitrary variables for user-defined roles. Do *not* use hyphens to prefix these variables, the role_vars key *must* be a dictionary!
docker_users: # You can use lists or dicts here
- localuser
ansible_groups: # Define the groups this VM will be a part of when `ludus range inventory` is run. These groups can be set after VM deployment with `ludus range deploy -t custom-groups`
- customgroup1 # An arbitrary group name
- customgroup2
dns_rewrites: # Any values in this array will be added to DNS for the range and return an A record for this VM's IP
- # rewrites responses for this domain name only
- '*' # rewrites responses for all subdomains but *not*
unmanaged: false # Set this to true for VMs that cannot report an IP to ansible via proxmox (no qemu-guest-agent, i.e. EDR appliances). You *must* manually configure this VM to have the IP defined in the config or risk leaking data during testing. Default: false
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-ad-win11-22h2-enterprise-x64-1"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-WIN11-22H2-1"
template: win11-22h2-x64-enterprise-template
vlan: 10
ip_last_octet: 21
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
sysprep: false
install_additional_tools: true # Install firefox, chrome, VSCode, burp suite, 7zip, process hacker, ilspy and other useful utilities. Default: false
chocolatey_ignore_checksums: false # Set to true to ignore any checksum errors when installing chocolatey packages (for packages that are 3rd party hosted and update before the choco package hash updates). Default: false
- vscodium # An array of chocolatey package names you'd like installed on this VM. Default: none
office_version: 2019 # The Microsoft office version you would like installed on this VM (2013|2016|2019|2021). Default: undefined (don't install office)
office_arch: 64bit # The architecture for the Microsoft office install (64bit|32bit)
visual_studio_version: 2019 # The version of Microsoft Visual Studio to install (community edition). Note: 2022 cannot target < .NET 4.5. Default: undefined (don't install visual studio)
role: member
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-elastic"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-elastic"
template: debian-12-x64-server-template
vlan: 20
ip_last_octet: 2
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
linux: true
- badsectorlabs.ludus_elastic_container # This role will run before the elastic agent role on the windows VM
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-kali"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-kali"
template: kali-x64-desktop-template
vlan: 99
ip_last_octet: 1
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
linux: true
snapshot: false
block_internet: false

# This key defines the settings for the router VM in your range. It is optional, and by default Ludus will deploy a router VM with the default settings.
vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-router-debian11-x64"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-router"
template: debian-11-x64-server-template
ram_gb: 2
ram_min_gb: 1
cpus: 2
roles: # Enterprise only
- ludus_guacamole_server # You can add roles to the router VM just like any other VM
role_vars: # Enterprise only
somevar: value
outbound_wireguard_config: |- # Enterprise only; Note: this config must have AllowedIPs set to, split tunnels are not supported (yet)
PrivateKey = XXXX
outbound_wireguard_vlans: # Enterprise only; Define the VLANs that the router VM will route traffic for. This key is required if outbound_wireguard_config is defined.
- 10
inbound_wireguard: # Enterprise only; Must be used with users that have portforwarding enabled at creation time
enabled: true # Enable or disable the WireGuard server on the router (default: false)
server_cidr: # The CIDR of the WireGuard server (default:
port: 51820 # The port the WireGuard server is listening on (UDP) (default: 51820). Note: This must be 51820 to work with port forwarding.
allowed_vlans: # The VLANs that WireGuard clients are allowed to connect to (default: all)
- 10

# This key defines network rules in your range. It is optional, and by default all traffic is allowed
inter_vlan_default: REJECT # The default rule to apply to traffic between VLANs. Default: ACCEPT
external_default: ACCEPT # The default rule to apply to traffic leaving the range out to the internet. Default: ACCEPT
always_blocked_networks: # Define any networks that ranges should never be able to reach (i.e. the LAN where the Ludus host is located)
- # entries must be in CIDR format
rules: # Specify rules to restrict or allow based on inter_vlan_default. Default: allow all traffic
- name: Only allow windows to kali on 443 # The rule name will be added as a comment in iptables
vlan_src: 10 # Traffic source VLAN
vlan_dst: 99 # Traffic destination VLAN. Special value 'public' can be used which is converted to '! 10.ID.0.0/16' in the iptables rule
protocol: tcp # Protocol (tcp|udp|icmp|all)
ports: 443 # A single port, a range in the format start:end, or 'all'
- name: Allow kali to the DC
vlan_src: 99
ip_last_octet_src: 1 # The single machine from the vlan_src to apply the rule to
vlan_dst: 10
ip_last_octet_dst: 11 # The single machine from the vlan_dst to apply the rule to
protocol: all
ports: all
action: ACCEPT

# These values control the values Ludus uses when deploying ranges and Windows domains.
# The values shown here are the defaults that will be set if this key is not defined
# If you define the defaults key, you must set every value as it overrides the server set defaults dict
# Users may wish to change these values to emulate environments (functional level, domain admin username and password, etc)
snapshot_with_RAM: true # When entering testing mode, capture the RAM state which allows reverting to a running VM
stale_hours: 0 # How many hours until a pre-existing snapshot should be deleted and retaken (if entering and exiting testing mode quickly)
ad_domain_functional_level: Win2012R2 # The functional level of each Windows domain created by Ludus - options are: "Win2003", "Win2008", "Win2008R2", "Win2012", "Win2012R2", or "WinThreshold"
ad_forest_functional_level: Win2012R2 # The functional level of each Windows forest created by Ludus - options are: "Win2003", "Win2008", "Win2008R2", "Win2012", "Win2012R2", or "WinThreshold"
ad_domain_admin: domainadmin # The domain admin username for every Windows domain
ad_domain_admin_password: password # The domain admin password for every Windows domain
ad_domain_user: domainuser # The domain user username for every Windows domain
ad_domain_user_password: password # The domain user password for every Windows domain
ad_domain_safe_mode_password: password # The domain safe mode password for every Windows domain
timezone: America/New_York # The timezone for all VMs, use the TZ identifier format from

Range Config Schema

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